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Clint Capela Hosted Back to School Program for Big Brothers Big Sisters
Posted By:  Austin Alley
Sunday, August 25, 2019

It might be preseason for the Rockets, but it’s back to school season for the team’s biggest fans! Clint Capela’s CC15 Foundation teamed up with Reliant to host 30 kids, specifically selected as a result of growing up in a single-parent household similar to Clint, and their mentors from Big Brothers Big Sisters at Lupe Tortilla this past Saturday, August 24th for the foundation’s inaugural “Back 2 School” program.

The NBA star made his rounds as the children dined with their mentors and Reliant volunteers and had the opportunity to chat with Clint one-on-one throughout the morning. Breakfast tacos were served with swag! Clint surprised each child with a bag filled with school supplies, swag and a $300 gift card to Walmart to help kick off the school year.

And one more detail, the “slam dunk” surprise of the day was when Clint joined the kids on a “fast-break” to Walmart in prearranged transportation after breakfast as he personally helped them shop for school supplies, clothing and necessities for the upcoming year. 

While many know Reliant as their home electricity provider, it also believes in being a positive force in the community. Serving in the community runs deep for Reliant. It’s ingrained in the company and employees, serving as ambassadors, volunteers and advocates for more than 150 causes across the state of Texas. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters partners with parents/guardians, volunteers, donors, companies and others in the community to provide children with strong and enduring, professionally supported one-to-one mentoring relationships.

Clint Capela’s CC15 Foundation was founded by Clint Capela of the Houston Rockets with a mission to provide children in foster care and children of low-income single-parents with the same opportunities and resources that are available to dual-parent, middle- and upper-class families.


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The Mission of Clint Capela's CC15 Foundation is to provide children in foster care and children of low-income single-parents with the same opportunities and resources that are available to dual-parent, middle- and upper-class families....


In Texas, 1 in 4 children and 42% of single-mother families live in poverty, and 26.6% of children live in single-parent homes. In Harris, Texas' largest county with over 4.5 million people, 36% are single-family homes...


Born in Geneva, Switzerland, Clint is the son of parents from Angola and the Congo. Shortly after birth, his father left the family, leaving his mother to raise Clint and his brothers by herself. The young boys were in and out of orphan homes...



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